RazorOps Speeding up the deployment of microservices with Kubernetes!

Shyam Mohan K
2 min readJun 30, 2022


What are microservices?
The microservice design enables large, sophisticated applications to be delivered quickly, often, and reliably. It also allows a company’s technology stack to evolve.

Features of microservices
1-Highly maintainable and testable
2-Loosely coupled
3-Independently deployable
4-Organized around business capabilities
5-Owned by a small team

The idea is for teams to be able to bring their services to life without relying on others. Loose coupling lowers all forms of dependencies and the complications that come with them because service developers don’t have to worry about the service’s users, and they don’t force their modifications on them.

Advantages of microservices
1-Faster release cycles.
2-Developer productivity.
4-No single point of failure.

Benefits of Kubernetes for companies
1-Control and automate deployments and updates
2-Save money by optimizing infrastructural resources thanks to the more efficient use of hardware
3-Orchestrate containers on multiple hosts
4-Solve many common problems derived from the proliferation of containers by organizing them into “pods”.
5-Scale resources and applications in real-time
6-Test and autocorrection of applications

Microservices deconstruct a program into smaller, self-contained components, but IT administrators still need a mechanism to manage them. They can manage and scale containerized microservices automatically with Kubernetes

Benefits of Kubernetes for microservices
2-Declarative configuration management and version control.
3-Multi-cloud and hybrid cloud
4-Service exposure and load balancing
5-Secrets management
7-Zero downtime

Features of Kubernetes
1-Automates various manual processes
2-Interacts with several groups of containers
3-Provides additional services
5-Horizontal scaling
6-Storage orchestration
7-Automates rollouts and rollbacks
8-Container balancing
9-Run everywhere

Two migration paths are closely related: moving from monoliths to microservices and from virtual machines to Kubernetes clusters. With RazorOps, microservices may be easily deployed using Kubernetes clusters, and adopting microservices become a lot easier when containers are utilized for packaged delivery.



Shyam Mohan K

Founder at RazorOps CICD, I love Container Native DevOps with Docker and Kubernetes, SO